Thursday, February 2, 2012

Swimsuit season is coming.....

Almost 90 Days till swimsuit season

How would you feel if you put on your swimsuit today? Would you look in the mirror and quickly look away. Would you say thank god summer is 3 ½ months away? Or would you be glad you started your new years off with a new exercise program and watched what you were eating. For most, the answer would be thank god summer is 3.5 months away.

I know the weather has been crazy lately and it feels like spring. So many of you might be thinking about swimsuits, lazy days by the pool or saying “OH NO I can’t believe it is coming up so close.” I am sure most of you haven’t even thought about swimsuits or even trying them on. But you SHOULD. Put it on today! Some people hide in their winter clothes and don’t notice that they put on what I can “winter weight.” Some people go months without really seeing what shape their body is truly into.

You can’t wait until May to start an exercise program. It would be way to late. Muscles take time to develop, plus it takes time to lose weight. You have plenty of time now if you want to get into shape and get the shape you want for swimsuit season. If you are not happy with the way you look now in a swimsuit, I guaranty that you will be unhappy in June if you don’t do something. Do something about it! Move, eat healthy, DO SOMETHING! Use that moment when you get that suit on and look in the mirror to decide if you are going to make some goals or just put the suit away till summer. It will help you I promise! Make 2012 your best body year ever!

You have 3.5 months to change your body, your lifestyle! Want a challenge? Why not try a Beachbody challenge and join my team? Any of the videos will get you ready for that swimsuit you hate so much! Here is a link to my beachbody home page!

If you have questions don’t be afraid to email me

So go ahead and put on your suit! I DARE YOU!

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