Sunday, August 12, 2012


Before I became a Beachbody coach, I would always say what is this Px90 stuff everyone is talking about.  I would always talk about Px90 and get a confused look.  After the confused look I would be corrected with Kathy it is P90x. So many people think Px90 when it is in fact P90x.  No matter how you say it this workout is for real. 

My online trainer, beachbody coach and friend Corinne Crabtree has a huge success story.  Her story is remarkable and just shows that if you have the will you can do anything.  Her pictures prove that with hard work and healthy foods anything is possible.  She has completed many beachbody video's, as well as leads others to their own health goals. I have done many events with her and can't wait to do the Disney Challenge with her in Jan 2013.

I have done Px90 (P90x) and Asylum but I felt I wanted to see what this Px902 (P90x2) was all about.  I wanted to see if I could complete the program while training for a full marathon.  Results are still to come.. I have 83 more days to go! I can say after the first week I have noticed a huge different in my abs and my body feels tighter all the way around.  It is such a good feeling when you see results so fast! That just proves that my hard work, clean eating and staying away from drinking is paying off.

One of my beachbody clients is killing it! She has done Turbo Jam and is now working out with Tony Horton in Power 90.  Leanne is training for her first 5K that is coming up in 2 weeks.  She is a mom, works full time but never makes an excuse on skipping workouts and eating clean.  She prep's her food every single Sunday.  Which gives her the evenings to spend with her daughter instead of slaving over a hot oven.  She gets what it takes to make this journey a successful one.  Her daughter and living a long healthy lifestyle is her main focus.  Now she is helping others reach their goals!

Leanne has lost 40 pounds and continues to shed pounds each week!

Just like Leanne many of my clients are having success.  Why? With Beachbody programs like Px90 (P90x), Shakeology and private accountability groups.  As a coach it is my job to make sure my clients are doing the work.  The private group is geared towards diet, exercise and food prepping but what I love most about this group is we all become good friends.  We share a bond together and that bond is our passion in wanting to live a healthy happy life. 

My good friend Angela is having some awesome success with her Asylum video's.  She lives a healthy lifestyle but just needed the extra push to do something different.  Read about her Shawn T experience. 

I challenge you to join us in this passion.  Join a challenge group, give Shakeology a try, let me find a workout video that is perfect for you.  It is okay to reach out to others when you feel lost and alone.  I remember someone telling me they feel weak when they ask for help.  That is certainly not the case! It takes a strong person to come to someone and ask for help.  So be that strong person, challenge yourself to do something different.  

Source: via Paige on Pinterest

1 comment:

  1. So many great workouts to choose from! No matter what your ability level, EVERYONE deserves to feel and workout like an athlete!
